1:20am: restless grunting and kicking...feed, change diaper, back to bed
4:30am: restless grunting and kicking...play game of replace the pacifier, switch sleeping positions, back to bed
5:30am: restless grunting and kicking...feed, back to bed
6:45am: alarm goes off, Seth gets up, I thank God for a day off from the office, roll over, and go back to bed to "sleep in"
7:30am: rise and shine, change wet diaper which has leaked all over Myles' outift, Myles poops mid change all over changing pad. Send Seth out for more wipes, which we forgot to get yesterday. Change changing pad. Put Myles in outfit #1.
8:00am: Myles in bouncer, Mandy eating breakfast. A ruckus can be heard, which can only mean one thing...another poopy diaper.
8:20am: Seth returns with the wipes. I give Myles another 5 minutes to see if he has anything else up there.
8:30am: Upon removing Myles from the bouncer, I realize he has pooped out of his diaper all over his clothes and the bouncer. oops. guess I shouldn't have waited those 5 minutes.
8:40am: change Myles into outfit #2, feed the tyke, put him in the sling while I balance the checkbook. He promptly falls asleep.
9:30am: Move upstairs to packn play while I shower. Bad transfer to the pack n play, he wakes up and cries, move to bed, safeguard with pillows, jump in the shower.
10:00: time to get some work done on the computer, put Myles in the bouncer. Juniper startles. 3rd poop of the morning. Thankfully, this one stays in the diaper.
10:15: back to bouncer.
10:17: The youngun is restless, put him back in the sling. Let whiny Juniper out.
10:20am: Meltdown in sling, back to the pack n play while mama changes the bed and gets laundry ready. Juniper's whining to get back in.
10:30am: Back in bouncer.
10:32: the youngun stirs. reposition on couch, safeguard with pillows. Rub head until he falls asleep.
10:37: sweet success! baby is sleeping...quick, to work!
P.S. these photos were taken at the small birthday bash at ada and michael's house...out of 8 attendees, 4 of us were celebrating birthdays! carvel ice cream cake. first photo is myles with ada. second photo includes amy and baby hazel (7 months old).