Friday, May 18, 2007

Thumb Sucker

Here I am with a Maya wrap ring sling, so graciously loaned to me by my sister-in-law Irene. It takes some practice to get the hang of it, but it can truly be a lifesaver when I need to get some work done and Myles wants to be close. Also here's a photo of Myles, my mom, and me on Mother's Day. Love you mom!!

It's been a two-steps-forward-one-step-back kind of week. Two (or was it three?) times over the weekend, Myles slept like a champ. I think falling asleep in someone's arms until he's truly out is key. On those wonderous nights he stayed asleep in his crib for several hours, and woke up only once for a feeding around 3 or 4am. Perfect! But recently, we've had two rough nights in a row with fussy crying in the evening, followed by more restless sleeping, waking 2-3 times to eat. Hmm. I think you just have to take the good nights when you can get them, and shake off the bad ones in the morning (coffee helps, I enjoy just half a cup on the hard mornings).

It appears that Myles is also learning a new, quite wonderful skill...thumb sucking. The beauty of sucking your thumb is that it's always with you. Unlike the pacifier, it doesn't fall onto the floor where the dog can get it. This week Myles went from sucking on his fists to getting his thumb squarely in his mouth and chewing on it, to actual thumb sucking. We're so proud! I'm sure we'll regret it when we have to employ every trick in the book to get him to quit down the road, but for now it's rather nice to have a baby who can calm himself a little bit with his thumb.

On a side note, I began watching Spike Lee's "When the levees broke" documentary this week. Wow. It's amazing. I highly recommend it based on what I've seen so far. After living through Hurricane Mitch in Honduras, I thought I had a sense of what a serious storm was all about, but the problem in New Orleans wasn't really Katrina (which went to the east of the city, I believe), but the breach of the levees and the awful negligence of the local, state, and federal governments in getting help to the people stuck in a flooded city. I'll say no more...go out and rent it!


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