This weekend we went to Tennessee to check in on my dad, who is doing incredibly well just weeks after major surgery. He's lost a few pounds, but is eating well and taking good care of himself with the help of my mom. It's truly amazing to see the "old Bob" as Seth says (not old as in aging, but old as in the same spirit) back in normal clothes, walking and eating and doing many of the same old things, with the addition of some much needed naps.
It was also Ashton's 3rd birthday, my brother's oldest son. We went to Corey and Irene's on Saturday and opened some gifts, ate some good food, and had cake and ice cream. As you can see, Ashton acquired a frosting mustache...he was also very sweet with "baby Myles," and even helped to pat Myles on the back when he was crying. Cullen, my brother's other son, is ready to crawl any day now and it was amazing to watch him move from sitting onto his knees.
Myles had his first sink bath over at grandma's house. He had awful cradle cap (baby dandruff that can get super scaly and gross), but we found a natural tea tree shampoo and after using it just twice most of it is gone.
Myles' morning out program had last week off for spring break, so he came into work with mama three mornings, and spent lots of time in the sling and baby bjorn. I think I'll be going through withdrawal on Tuesday when we take him back to the morning out program again!
We've had a couple really rough nights with lack of sleep, and let me tell you, that's all it takes. Both Seth and I have mush for brains and can't seem to remember anything this week, but we did have a solid nap today and hope for better sleep tonight. Thanks to a generous gift from Seth's department at work, we also purchased a digital video camera. We just couldn't stand to see another month go by without getting Myles on tape!
You know, I just have to mention that doing this blog thing feels so self centered...just writing all these entries about us, us, us. I feel like I should be posting a response to the Don Imus issue or something, writing at least a little about the outside world. But we want to share Myles, especially with family and friends who are far away, so we try to keep at it, and hope that you all know that our lives really do consist of more than just ourselves, though Myles is pretty miraculous day in and day out.