Grandma, Myles, and an Apple Pie
From Wednesday through Saturday I was in New Orleans at the Lutheran Youth Gathering. Over 35,000 youth and adults descended upon the city for a half week of community service, collective worship in the superdome, workshops and the interaction center (which included a zip line as well as exhibits like the one I worked at for the Lutheran Peace fellowship--a time line of historic nonviolent movements for social change and a prayer-peace flag making station). While I was away, my mom came to spend some quality time with Myles (and Seth). She sent an email my way tonight that had me laughing out loud, so I thought I'd share. My mom was making an apple pie because my dad's birthday was on Saturday, and she always made an apple pie for him on his birthday. Here's her account:
Making an apple pie while two-and-a-half year old Myles is playing
1. Grandma begins to roll out the dough for the pie crust, which she had prepared the day before while Myles was napping--a very wise decision!
2. Myles is in the pantry pointing out the cereal he would like, even though he has just finished a big breakfast a half hour earlier. Grandma washes off her hands and fixes Myles his cereal, which he eats with two spoons, one for each hand of course.
3. Grandma begins to cut up the apples. Myles is in the broom closet trying to get the big brooom down, which he does. Juniper's ball has gone under the sofa, and Myles needs to help Juniper by sweeping the broom under the sofa, as he had watched Grandma do the day before! The boy has a great memory! Grandma washes her hands and tries to help because the long broom is banging against the wall and almost topples a plant. Myles tells Grandma that he can do it by himself!
4. Grandma begins cutting apples again while Myles plays in the tupperware. It's fun to push the tupperware backwards from the top shelf down to the bottom shelf, but then the drawer won't roll in and the cabinet door won't close. Grandma washes her hands and comes to the rescue for which she receives a bear hug an kiss from Myles:)
5. Oops, not again Juniper! Repeat of number three above!
6. Myles decides to play with his new Memory game. All of the cards are dumped on the floor. By placing a card under each foot and sliding across the floor, Myles has come up with a new, creative way to play the game. Grandma continues to slice the apples.
7. Myles is too quiet. Grandma stops slicing and washes her hands. Myles is discovered in the dog shower. Thankfully, he hasn't turned on the water yet.
8. Repeat of number three above!! Grandma hides the dumb ball:(
9. Myles would like some juice. It MUST be served in the cup with the straw. Grandma stops the pie making, washes her hands, and pours the juice from the sippy cup to the cup with the straw. Myles is happy, and Grandma gets another bear hug and kiss:)
10. Grandma, wondering if the pie will ever be completed, resumes working. Suddenly Grandma hears, "Help me." Guessing Myles is in the broom closet again, Grandma finishes the apple she's working on when she hears, "Help me" again. Grandma washes her hands and finds Myles sitting on the tall desk chair in the office. He has taken out Poppy's drawer and all of Poppy's tubes of art paint, which were in the drawer, are lined up on the desk. Grandma is soooo thankful that she went to help Myles get down before any paint tubes were opened!
11. Grandma finishes slicing apples and begins to make the crumb topping for the pie. Myles comes to the kitchen and shows her his hur thumb nail. Grandma kisses it and takes advantage of another bear hug and kiss:)
12. Grandma continues to mix the topping when she hears Myles saying he wants Cheerios. Upon checking the pantry, there is Myles standing on the top of the oatmeal box with both feet, while hanging on to the shelf with one hand and pointing to the Cheerios with the other!! Whew! Now Grandma understands why the childproof door knob is on the pantry door. Grandma gets Myles some Cheerios. Oh, and he needs more juice in the cup with the straw.
13. Grandma gets the pie in the oven while Myles snacks. She praises the Lord for completing the pie before lunch time, while wondering how many ingredients she accidentally omitted!