Beach Retreat

Thank you to Blake for this beautiful picture of Myles...
I used to avoid posting at an hour like this...10:27 on a Friday night. But hey, I'm all about being real about the realities of family life. So I might as well mention that Seth is out with Tom (happy 41st Tom!), Myles is sacked out in the "big boy bed" upstairs, and I'm down here on the computer catching up on Rachel Maddow. But my blog fans are clamoring restlessly. Must post, must post.
The long silence is a reflection of how busy life has been. The best news is that my sister's family is settled into their new home in Abingdon, VA--just an hour and forty minutes up the most beautiful highway! I still can't believe our good fortune to have them so close by, and their good fortune to land in the cool little town of Abingdon. News that my brother-in-law Brian ate a fried green tomato sandwich on his first day of work when his employer took him out to the restaurant at Hungry Mother state park, and that they've already been to the farmer's market and on the creeper trail makes me smile with delight. I love Appalachia, and there's nothing like sharing the goodness of it with family and friends!
The week's been a good one. On Monday night we went to concerts on the quad which receives a five star rating for fun things to do with toddlers. We pack a picnic dinner, meet up with friends, listen to music and let the kids run around and do their thing. Myles dances. And gets really close to the stage to study the guitar player's hands...
Last night I attended a press conference at city hall in support of the Racial Justice Act. I gathered behind the podium with other clergy and listened to Edward Chapman tell his story. Chapman was wrongfully convicted, sentenced to death, served over a decade on death row, and was recently exonerated. His story is powerful, and his spirit is stunning. The guy carries absolutely no resentment. None. He takes responsibility for the lifestyle he was leading that allowed others to take advantage of his reputation to prosecute him (his words, not mine). He has integrated into community life in Asheville and works hard every day, the energy and zest for life positively pours off the guy. And yet he's an advocate for the racial justice legislation and a moratorium on the death penalty because he knows first hand that too often race plays a factor in determining the severity of the sentence (in NC for example, someone who kills a white person is 3.5 times more likely to receive a death sentence than someone who kills a person of color), and he knows that in a human system we sometimes make mistakes. He lost 15 years of his life to the row. And he could have lost his life had it not been for some ambitious law professor and investigative students. Yesterday I had the pleasure of shaking his hand, introducing myself, and telling him that I'm pen pals with his old pal on death row.
What I really love about being a pastor is that I get to do such meaningful work. I get to speak out on the ethical issues of our day, stand up for justice, and march for peace. I get to walk alongside folks in the most beautiful and difficult seasons of their lives, from births and baptisms to heartbreaking diagnoses and separations. It is such a privilege to do the work of a pastor. I am so blessed.
Mylestones: Today I came to a sudden stop in the car and Myles said, "Careful mama, careful!" As the light turned green and I started to accelerate slowly he said, "Good job mama." We have finally hit that sweet spot where he's telling us regularly that he loves us and gives us kisses and hugs unprompted. Life is good! We are on the potty daily, but performing on the potty is still not regular, forgive the pun. Myles loves having pretend conversations on our cell phones which involve a great deal of jubilant gibberish and giggling. He occasionally sings "tinkle tinkle little star" on command (or over the phone for Grandma). He's been sleeping in the guest bed all week, I guess finally transitioning out of the crib. He likes to have papi or mama lie down with him for the first few minutes, which is when we get the sweetest side of Myles. He whispers, he gives kisses, he hold our hands, he throws an arm over my side.
Tonight Myles was thrilled that we were going to Tom's birthday party. We practiced singing happy birthday and saying "happy birthday Tom!" Myles helped me make a construction paper crown for Tom and gave it to him himself (Tom is his godfather). We ate sushi for dinner, home-made peach icecream with chocolate zucchini bread muffins for desert, and then Myles played with the chickens (and Claire and Lydia) in the backyard.
Seth is officially an old man. He got his first crown today. (He still looks young and handsome to me.)
Tomorrow we head for Atlantic Beach. I'll be participating in a clergy retreat on Monday and Tuesday, and Seth and Myles will be vacationing, but we'll have plenty of time together as a family (the retreat schedule is not rigorous). I am so hungry for the ocean and a time of contemplation. I think Myles will have an incredible time at the beach, and there's an aquarium there as well.
Before I sign off, I want to recommend this inspiring video of the week.
Feel the love, yall.
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