Here's To You, Mrs. Robinson
Mylestones: He's speaking in lots of 2-4 word sentences, counting to 14, and enjoying several one-sided phone conversations daily...the fax machine in our home office has a phone, which he loves to pick up and pretend to call either Papi, Grandpa Hendler, or Bob the Builder. In fact, we've increasingly had the problem of things getting "stuck" which necessitates a call to Bob the Builder in which we specify which of his vehicles he should bring to help fix the situation. Bob to the rescue. The other week, Myles went into our kitchen closet and emerged a few moments later with a poop in his pants and Simon and Garfunkel in his hands (we keep our cds in there)'s the second time he's selected that cd to listen to in the last week, so I am beginning to think he may have excellent taste in music.
Seth is studying hard for the GRE. He's interested in the MPA distance program that Western Carolina offers at UNCA. He could take it slowly over the course of three or more years. He's got a great GRE study book and has been madly learning a whole new vocabulary of words that mostly I've never heard of. Smart, that one. After the vocab, it's on to tackling math.
I'm keeping very busy with the new church start. In May, June, and July we'll be having a monthly worship service and a monthly event. Our first event is a book reading at a local community center and our second one is the screening of a documentary about the eco-footprint of war, we'll be featuring the film-makers from DC. In new-church-start-speak these are "taste and see" events in which folks can come out and have a good time, bring a friend, and pick up some literature about who we are, meet Sara and I, and hear a short introduction about Land of the Sky. We are thinking the website will go up within a week or two.
Garden: Our local farmer's market began last Saturday, and I've decided that next year rather than growing from seeds, I will buy plant starts, as all their stuff looked so much more robust than the plants starting in my own garden. Last week I planted mint, basil, and cilantro as well as some more spinach and lettuce mix. Beans are next. We've been planting fools in the front yard with a native palate, including two blueberry bushes, two kinds of phlox, Jacob's ladder, and other bushes that only Seth can pronounce. We will have some beautiful hydrangeas, I'm so excited! In the fall we will plant bulbs so that next spring we will finally have some perennials. It's getting beautiful out there, and the more we plant the less grass we have to mow. Our goal is to put up a privacy fence in our backyard if we can save up enough for it. We have a total of three outdoor dogs in our neighbors' yards, and they bark and howl every time we're out there.
Well, that's the update for now. Have a lovely spring week!
Maybe Myles is trying to tell you something about Simon and Garfunkel, and not in a good way. I'd poop my pants too if I had to listen to that. Speaking of which, as long as Myles is calling Bob the Builder, you should also have him call Stinky Diver.
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