Tuesday, February 10, 2009

De-Pacified Household...

A quick post to let you know: we did it! On Friday night we went out for dinner and the server offered Myles a balloon. I thought, it's a sign! So on Saturday, I explained to Myles that he was such a biggie boy that he didn't need paci any more and we were going to say bye-bye to paci. I tied paci to the balloon, let go, and plunk! Turns out the paci was too heavy for the balloon. Plan B. I cut the tip of the paci and we gave it to Myles before bed. The strangest look came over his face and he said, "Stuck!" which was his way of saying the paci was broken. We said, well, you're so big now you don't need paci anymore. And we left it at that.

Night one: we heard some whimpering, but in general all went well.

Sunday nap: Refused.

Night two: Woke up to lots of crying around 1:00am, went back to sleep eventually.

Monday nap: After alternately chattering and whimpering, he fell into a deep sleep. I wont' tell you how long the chattering and whimpering went on.

Night three: Not bad. Some initial crying, but he seemed to sleep through the night.

Tuesday nap: Refused.

Some of you may know that my ability to make a living and create a new church start all at once relies heavily on my son's napping schedule. So. I'm feeling a little panicky at the moment, but this too shall pass. Or so they say.

Other Mylestones: Every day it's a new word. Today: heart, cow, and zoo. He's rediscovered his Kindermusik cds and is regularly interrupting NPR to beg for the same song over and over. He enjoyed getting real mail from his cousin in his wooden mailbox, and it included Nascar stickers that we promptly stuck on his bedroom window as well as candy hearts and a magnet. It's evident that Myles tries to tell and re-tell stories...some about cars and trucks doing things, some about boo-boos, and some about the books he reads. We can only make out a few words here and there, but there's passion in his storytelling, believe you me. He loves to sing Wheels on the bus, ABC's and Old MacDonald. While he can pronounce few of the words, he tries to get the tune right and throws in the occasional word for flare. He recognizes the city building and when we pull in to pick up Seth he shouts, "Papi!!"


Blogger Brenna and Brian said...

WOW! A paci free house!! Congrats guys! And to Myles, so sorry little lad :( Give yourself another week and I bet he'll be back to napping. He sounds adorable as ever and I can't wait to see him in the coming months. Glad he enjoyed the Valentine's gift from Kaleb.
Love you,

7:37 PM  
Blogger tongue-tied said...

The moon and stars must be aligning for all of us because OUR household also went paci-free on Sunday night! How is that for coincidence? Liam refused to take a nap on Sunday even though he usually goes down like clockwork. So, we decided he would be soooo tired by bedtime that it would be a good time to take away the paci. We didn't even mention the word to him nor did we hold a ritual but he did great! Tuesday night was a little hairy as he did cry a bit before falling asleep, but I must say he is sleeping more soundly WITHOUT the paci.

Congrats Myles and Liam!

1:42 PM  

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