Thursday, February 05, 2009

Hot Cocoa and Negative Eleven...Oh February.

Another snow day. Ho hum. My inner Michigander is once again doing battle with my wanna-be Southerner. While the town has shut down around us for the last two days, I've stubbornly refused to let the snow cramp my style. After all, I can still see the grass tops poking through the snow. Really folks, it's not that bad. But when I went for a morning run today in negative eleven degrees, I was humbled by that black ice. Slow, slow run. Better than nothing? This weekend promises warmer weather, possibly in the 60s...bring it on!

The cold weather prompted me to offer Myles his first taste of hot cocoa. Not only did he dig it, he requested a cereal bar, which he promptly dunked, then submerged completely in his delightful drink. This boy knows the meaning of pleasure. Other pleasure-filled delights: peering at your reflection in the metal circle on the tub wall, laughing until you puke when papi makes a funny face, bringing large cooking pots into the tub, helping mama pull the dead plants out of the garden, getting a kleenex out of the box and gently dabbing your nose, tossing peas into whatever you're drinking at dinner. Ah, life's little pleasures...just what February demands.

So here's the best news of all: my sister, brother in law, and two nephews are likely moving to the Abingdon/Marion (VA) region!! Roughly two hours from us and less than three from my mom, it's hardly believable. I've already conjured a weekend in which Myles and I hang back with Brenna and Finn while Seth and Brian take Kaleb camping. I don't know much about Abingdon and Marion (soon to find out more!), but I know enough to know that they are good Appalachian small towns that invite visits, with proximity to the Appalachian Trail, quality theater, a thriving arts and crafts community, and kickin farmers markets. In fact, Barbara Kingsolver (of the blessed Animal Vegetable Miracle) and her husband own a general store and restaurant not far from Abingdon, and the menu is mouthwatering! Always in season, local foods served. We are thrilled that Brenna and Brian might move...the prospect of Myles growing up close to Kaleb and Finn is so fun to ponder, we just hope that everything lines up to make it all possible. Good work, Brian, on that interview!!

Today Myles had his two year wellness check up. We're happy to be following his doctor since birth, Meredith (friend, doctor, and world traveler!), over to Ravenscroft as our new care provider, so it was our last day at Mahec. After the last visit in May, I insisted Seth come along to help with the shot. It was much much easier with papi in the mix! Myles weighs 30lbs, which is about 80-85%, and his height puts him in the 93%. Is it time to get him to the dentist? The doctor seemed to think we should get that started. If you have a child of similar age and any thoughts about when to do the dentist thing, do weigh in...

The paci: I know you all have been waiting on pins and needles to know the outcome of a de-pacified Hendler-Voss household. You'll be very disappointed to learn that Myles is even now upstairs asleep sucking thankfully on ole paci. We just don't want a sleepless week, you know? Ugg, no excuses. We gotta get rid of it soon. I heard a great story about a girl who had a goodbye paci party, in which paci got tied to a helium balloon and everyone shouted "goodbye!" as it floated out of view. She later discovered that the paci fairy had left a stuffed animal for her under a tree with a note saying that when she missed paci, she should hug the stuffed animal. Word on the street is that this paci party worked like a charm. Party, anyone?


Blogger Brenna and Brian said...

I took Kaleb to his first Dentist appointment just after turning two years old. That is when we also learned that the dentist felt his teeth were being negatively impacted by the paci. He said if we didn't get rid of it soon it would have irreversible consequences. That got things moving for us! I'm happy to say his teeth are now rather perfect. We cut the tip off and told him it was "broken". Of course he asked for a new one and when we could go shopping for a new one, but I just sort of said "i don't know, honey" and left it at that. We had two nights of him waking up with some wimpering and that was it...he was over it. I do know that Shannon waited until Tatum was 3 and then bought her a gift for "giving it up". GOOD LUCK!

6:36 PM  
Blogger tongue-tied said...

That will be so great for the two sisters and families to live so close! It makes me happy! Also, Barbara Kingsolver is amazing - I didn't know she had a restaurant.

We are currently in the paci quandry, too. Within a couple of weeks, we are just going to go cold turkey. We may try the "broken" thing, too. I've heard it makes for one miserable weekend, but then they are fine. We're hoping to get Liam paci-free before his little sister is born. I can already envision Liam trying to take HER paci. Ah, well. I still wouldn't trade the last 19 months of paci-induced calmness and 12 hours of sleep per night!!

7:04 AM  
Blogger PCJ said...

Abingdon is the greatest! We would be very happy to sing its praises to anyone considering living here (or Meadowview, where the Kingsolver restaurant is, or Emory, the college town just up the road). We love it here.

5:48 PM  

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