Vegas, Baby.

Well, I've been avoiding the blog. Thanksgiving was a hard holiday for me this year. I thought I would feel better surrounded by family. But I didn't. I think no matter where I was or who I was with, it would have been a hard day for me, and that's just the way things are this year. It was a treat, though, to be with all the little ones. I have twelve cousins on my mom's side (plus six cousin-spouses), and of their kids, nine of them were at "the hall" for Thanksgiving this year, all under the age of 7. My Aunt Tina was wise enough to throw some bouncy balls in the mix, and the day was an absolute hit for Myles! Because my mom's side of the family is so large, we now celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas at a church hall. Turns out, it's a great space for the kids. Here is Myles pictured with Alexis and Haley.
Mylestones: So much seems to be happening so quickly with Myles. His mind is really growing and sponge-like these days. The other day, he came out of my office with a work document that includes a photo of me and several other women. It was taken when my hair was very short. He was pointing at the photo saying, "Mama, mama!" Recently, he's wanted to sleep with a special item most nights, last night it was tupperware, and the night before it was a jeep that is heavy and hard, not exactly something I'd snuggle up with. He is trying to talk more and more. Sometimes it's clear he's really trying to say something and I feel awful when I have no idea what he's saying. He enjoys listening to "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" and chimes in on the e-i-e-i-o, then claps and says "yay!" at the end. We just started the advent calendar and already he's fascinated with it and with the Christmas ornaments that are ready to be put on a tree if we can just figure out what an eco-conscious family is supposed to do about the whole Christmas tree quandry. I think we will be borrowing a fake tree from our friends who went real this year. It's our first Christmas tree, so makes sense to ease into the whole thing. And finally, we know Myles has really progressed because he thinks it's hilarious to "toot" as we call it, and will expend untold amounts of energy trying to force out a toot so he can laugh. Ah, he is his father's child.
Tomorrow promises to be a full day. We will have our Saturday waffles, then head to the church we've been attending on and off to participate in their good Samaritan program. We are putting together baskets for ten local families, all of them families affected by the immigration raid on a manufacturing plant just outside of Asheville. After the baskets are assembled, they will be dropped off anonymously at the homes of the families, and then everyone will gather back for lunch. We are skipping out early to get Myles' photo taken at 11:30. And then I'm flying to Vegas for a few days of training for work. I'm not much of a Vegas girl. I think I would have a panic attack if I ever gambled with my own money, and I can't think of an environment that's further removed from God's green Earth than a casino...but I will be with some smart, fun women, so I'm looking forward to the experience.
Last Monday, Seth spoke at Appalachian State's conference, "The Power of Design," about the chapter that we co-wrote for a book that just came out entitled Expanding Architecture. Our chapter is about asset-based community design (we taught a class on this concept for the Summer Studio in 2005 and 2006). Although I was not able to hear him speak, word on the street is that he was his brilliant, engaging self. He was gifted with a beautifully crafted coffee mug with a quote from none other than Myles Horton. While we were up in snowy Boone, I also had the chance to meet with the pastor of a new UCC church there. She was very encouraging as I move forward with the new church start, and I think she will continue to be a wise advisor to me in the process.
Finally, a shout out to Sara Z who had the remarkable intuition to know that the one thing that would make this trying holiday season a little better was chocolate truffles. They arrived safely on my doorstep this morning, and are presently half gone...thank you, God, for wonderful friends!
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