Composting out the Wazoo...

Compost: For several years, I've wanted to compost. Trouble is, all the compost bins cost an arm and a leg. It's hard to justify spending over $100 for something that you're going to put organic waste into. It's just a plastic bin, after all! So everytime I pushed Seth to get the compost bin, he resisted and I relented. Finally, my mom showed me a magazine that suggested the following: buy a cheap plastic garbage bin, dig a huge hole for it in your yard, drill holes in the garbage can for worms to get in, plop it in the hole, put the top on it, and voila! A perfect spot for composting. We have finally completed all of the above, and began with composting our pumpkins, along with some leaves, and now all our kitchen scraps. I know we're quite behind the times in green Asheville, but better late than never. We are especially looking forward to some good quality stuff once it has all mixed and disintegrated and worms have eaten it and pooped it back out...then we can spread it on our garden, and in our front yard. Our soil quality leaves much to be desired, so it will do all of our plants some good.
This weekend, we travel to Richmond, VA to see Seth's family and cheer him on as he runs his second marathon. Go Seth! He's in pretty excellent shape, and we are hoping that all goes well on Saturday morning. It will also be the first time that Myles and I have seen Seth's family since his brother's wedding in May, so it will be good to catch up and hang out. We will be staying at Greg's new house (Seth's oldest brother), but also hope to be able to check out Jon (Seth's middle brother) and Brian's place, who also live in Richmond.
Headed up to watch an episode of the office, so signing off...
Good luck at the marathon Seth!
GO SETH!!!! We are so proud of you!! What an inspiration you are to so many with your dedication to running and being healthy. We wish we could be there to cheer you on.
Brenna and Brian
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