The Final Stretch
These are a few photos from our long weekend in Knoxville. My parents' good friends, Linda and Tom, came by with a delicious meal (including the best ice cream cake we have ever tasted, courtesy of Linda) and Tom's clown get-up with magic tricks for the boys. Myles especially like the magic wand, which had a tip that lit up and muisc that played when he pressed the button on it. Also, there's a photo of my dad eating ice cream next to my brother-in-law Brian, who came out with my sister and her kids for the weekend. They are staying on, he had to return home to work (oh yeah, work).
On Saturday my dad began having trouble keeping food and fluids down. Still today, Tuesday, nothing is staying down so we are inclined to believe that his digestive system has permanently shut down. His weight is 130lbs. We are entering the final stretch.
So I am signing off for a while. We will head back to Knoxville in the morning. As if by pure design, we received word today of two couples that we know from ASP each welcoming their first baby into the world. Welcome, Anna and are right on time! A reminder that God is still doing something new among us. Congratulations Helen and Craig, Ryan and Debra! We're thinking about you...
Just the other day, the song that my dad and I danced to at my wedding popped into my head. It's called "Blessed to be a Witness" by Ben Harper:
Corcovado parted the sky and through the darkness on us he shined. Crucified in stone, still his blood is my own. Glory behold all my eyes have seen.
I am blessed to be a witness.
Some have flown away and can't be with us here today. Like the hills of my home some have crumbled and now are gone. Gather round, for today won't come again.
I am blessed to be a witness.
So much sorrow and pain, still I will not live in vain. Like good questions never asked is wisdom wasted on the past.
Only by the grace of God go I. I am blessed to be a witness.
Oh Mandy, my heart goes out to you so much. I can't even contain it. I so much wish I could give you a big hug, so please know I am sending one your way. Your dad and all of you continue to be in my daily prayers and will continue to be for a long time. Thank you all for sharing your journey so openly with all of us. I hope this "final stretch" is filled with comfort for your dad, peace for all of you, wonderful time together, more good memories to be made, and tons and tons of LOVE. I love you guys!
I know your presence in this final stretch will mean the world to your dad Mandy. You have the strength, courage and opportunity to tell your dad how much you love him. This time together is a blessing.
May your time together reflect the love and laughter your family has experienced throughout your lifetime. May you find strength within yourself and your family. May you and your family live for each of these moments, embracing your father's life and his legacy---beautiful, intelligent, thoughtful children who love their lives and family....and amazing grandkids....
I'm so glad you guys are together and have been able to see each other frequently recently. I hope you, Seth and Myles are holding up ok as I imagine you are doing a wonderful job taking care of everyone else as you so often do. I am thinking of you all and do hope you contine to keep us posted. XOXO
Dear Sweet Friends,
We love you & send love to Mandy's Dad & Mom & Family. Junie is sitting beside me, a sweet big lug. She's having fun at Camp Rocket, but is giving me the sad eyes as if I can be fooled into thinking that she's malnourished. She's welcome & enjoyed here for as long as she'll have us. Hugs and kisses!!! H, Ben & June's buddies Rocket, Huckles, and Chocolate
I wish I could be there for you during this time. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please send my love to your family. Enjoy this time with your Dad as best as you can. I pray for your strength in the days ahead.
Mandy, Seth & Myles...we are thinking of you and your family every day. I wish I could come give you another Goebel hug -- I am so grateful I was able to give you one in New Haven a couple weeks ago (THANK YOU FOR CALLING!). I hope you all find peace and comfort in these final days...
Lots of love!!!
I'm thinking and praying for you and your family every day! May God continue to surround you with peace as you spend these last days with your dad.
Mandy, Seth, and Myles,
We are thinking about and praying for you all and your family these coming days. We love you guys.
Brian, Paige, and Lea
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