On Thursday night I flew into Boston and headed to New Haven for a conference on nuclear disarmament at Yale divinity school. I spoke on a panel there on Friday, then had the opportunity to hear Tony Blair speak to the Yale community that evening. At the last minute, I called my longtime friend Susan Goebel from ASP times, who recently moved to New Haven and it just so happened that she was free for the night! So we went out and had some Thai food and talked. It's always good to laugh with old friends and catch up on life. On Saturday I went for an early morning run around the Yale campus then stopped in Hartford for breakfast with Paul Fitzgerald, another old ASP friend (who was actually my boss back in the day...everything I know I learned from him, including being goaded into ridiculous challenges that I always seemed to lose). I finally arrived back in Boston for a WAND board meeting and staff retreat. It was a blast! I work with some very cool women, and we went out to eat in the heart of Boston each night after business was finished. On Monday I flew back home...and all day I was a wreck because I was so anxious to get back home to Myles. The trip was too long, as fun as it was. I finally arrived home after he was in bed, and I got a nice sleepy hug before I went to bed.
Seth was home with Myles all weekend. He mowed the lawn, planted new shrubs, did work in the house, and managed to take Myles to a brewfest downtown and a party at a friend's house too. While he was mowing the lawn he noticed that he mowed right over a rabbit den with a bunch of baby rabbits in it. The photo above was taken as a result. We did see the mama come back for them yesterday evening, so we are hopeful they will live even though we kind of infringed on their new home.
Myles continues to grow like crazy...in fact, after I got home it seemed like he had grown an inch! His favorite thing to do is sit in the driver's seat and pretend to steer. He also danced to some music at a friend's house this evening, and shows a great deal of interest in all musical instruments.
Our city is running out of gas. There are long lines where folks must wait for hours, and there have been fights. We believe we have enough to get us to the Tennessee line tomorrow and then we think there will be plenty of gas there. I know other cities like Charlotte, Atlanta, and Nashville have also had shortages, but Knoxville is fine.
Great to see you Voss! You're lucky I didn't goad you into doing a handstand, sliding down a waterfall, or sitting with your legs outstretched for over an hour. I was good at pushing your buttons, wasn't I?
If everything I learned came from you, but everything you learned came from P-Fitz...then everything I learned also came from P-Fitz. Oh boy. :) Wait, didn't P-Fitz learn everything from Goebs? Maybe I feel better now!!
No, everything Goebel knows came from me too. Therefore, I taught all 3 of you everything you know.
Ah, I see. Well then thank you P-Fitz, thank-you. :)
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