Yes, He Can!!

I have often lamented the fact that I did not live in the days of MLK and JFK...I felt like a wanna-be freedom fighter born into a more boring time, when not much was asked of me in the way of sacrifice in the service of justice. But on Tuesday, I cried in the voting booth because I truly believe that change is coming to America and the world. I truly believe that we are on the cusp of a renaissance of thought, creativity, and leadership, the dawn of a new politics of the common good. Not only have we elected the first Black President, he's also brilliant, and cares very much for the poor. That's why even as I was celebrating in the privacy of my home (with champagne in front of our computer), jubilation was breaking out in cities all over the nation. Even in the farthest corners of the world people of color and the poor were dancing and singing and giving thanks that the leader of the free world identifies with them; has experienced life outside of the privileged borders of the United States; has the blood of a continent rich in culture and resources, but burdened by oppression running through his veins; knew what it was like to be raised by a working class single mom.
Ella Baker once said that no leader is capable of doing for us what we will not do for ourselves, and as much as I celebrate the dignity and incredible gifts of Barack Obama, I also revel in this election because of what it says about us as a people and a nation. I know there is much work ahead, that we've just elected one man to the highest office in the nation. It's a chance for change, a symbol of change more than change itself, but this week I'm hopeful that (as he said) the true genius of America is that, yes, we can change. I hope that his leadership will call on the better angels within each of us, so that we will live out of the best of ourselves.
I know we are not all celebrating this turn of events. 46% of the nation voted for John McCain and Sara Palin, and they must be disappointed with the outcome, and perhaps bewildered by the outpouring that has followed in recent days. But still, I had to share my thoughts, because this is truly a new day for our nation, and I am thrilled that my son will grow up under the leadership of President Barack Obama. Maybe there's hope that even those of us who disagree can do so respectfully and intelligently.
Wonderful! I was about to send a request for your thoughts on this historic and exciting change of leadership.
YES, WE DID!! Due to my surgery recovery, I am just now getting caught up on all your posts. And I am still celebrating this election and the change and hope that is upon us! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
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