Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Gone Home to God

Early this morning at 1:00am, my dad made his final journey home to God. He died as he had lived, fighting right up until the end—courageous, loving, and strong. He did not complain, even as his body endured a long and difficult letting go. He was surrounded by family—my mom by his side, and all of his children present along with our spouses, while three grandsons slept downstairs.

On Friday, we moved him from his chair to the hospital bed that hospice provided and over the course of the weekend he visited with family, listened as my mom read from cards, letters, and caring bridge guest book entries, and the scriptures he posted with each caring bridge entry, and offered words of wisdom. (My dad was tremendously gifted at these two things…listening and offering wise words) My 87-year-old grandmother, Aunt Barb, and cousin Paula (who lost my Uncle Ed to lymphoma in early July) drove down from Michigan to spend time with him over the weekend, then returned on Monday morning. On Monday we believe he had a vision of heaven, as he called out to Jesus, and told us, “It is so beautiful. I am so happy.” We continued to keep a vigilant presence so that he was never alone as he walked the final stretch of his journey.

He fought the good fight, finished the race, and we are so grateful that he is now at home with God partaking in the peace that passes all understanding. After months of being unable to process more than a few ounces of food or liquid at any given time, followed by more days than I care to count of not receiving any nutrition or liquid of any kind, I imagine him now feasting at a heavenly banquet to his heart’s content. I can just see that familiar smile of delight spreading across his face. And I miss him.

Thank you to all of you who have sent cards, emails, food, made phone calls (which I never return!), and cared for Juniper. The compassion and care that we have received have been incredible blessings in a difficult time. We deeply appreciate your continued prayers, especially for my mom.

Tomorrow night there will be an evening visitation at the funeral home, and on Thursday there will be a service to celebrate his life at 11:00am at Christ Covenant Presbyterian church (12915 Kingston Pike, Farragut, TN 37934), followed by a luncheon and the burial at Lakeside Cemetery in Lenoir City. On Friday evening at 7:00pm, there will be a memorial service at Faith Covenant Church (35415 W 14 Miles, Farmington Hills, Mi 48331). In lieu of flowers, my family welcomes contributions to the American Cancer Society (www.cancer.org or P.O. Box 22718 Oklahoma City, OK 73123-1718).

Although we are wading through a river of sorrow, we celebrate with the angels that my dad has found his way home. Hallelujah! Amen.

Isaiah 40:31 (one of my dad’s favorites, printed on a t-shirt that he wore often in his final weeks):
“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not be faint.”


Blogger Brooke said...

Oh, Mandy. I don't even know what to say. I'm so sorry for your, and your family's, loss but still joyful that your father is free of pain and with his Father. I will be praying for you all, especially your mother. I only know of your father through Seth's and your words, but he certainly seemed to be a most extraordinary man. I know he will be missed terribly. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

With love,
Brooke, Andy, Anne Marie and Eleanor

2:05 PM  

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