Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Admit it. You've been dying to see Seth's sweaty, post-running body. Well, here it is for your viewing pleasure. Trust me when I say it looks much better than it smells.

It was a roller coaster week. Along with many of our ASP friends, we are mourning the news that our friend Karson has some suspicious spots on her liver. Her biopsy is tomorrow morning. Please keep her and her husband Jason in your thoughts and prayers. And then my parents' 41st wedding anniversary rolled around.

In the midst of that I had a preaching gig in Charlotte and we hosted film makers from DC who came to Asheville to screen their film, "Scarred Lands and Wounded Lives: The Environmental Footprint of War" as a special Land of the Sky UCC event at the Asheville Brewing Company.

And Seth ran the Chamber 5k with a team of three other guys from work. His time was 17:20 and he placed 4th (some fast cats in Asheville). Won us some free movie tix (I'm liking this racing thing more all the time). His team won second place, behind the running store's team. All in all a wonderfully successful race! In fact, I admit that I kinda teared up when Seth raced past Myles and I both because I could tell how good of a race he was having and b/c Myles is getting old enough to cheer Seth on and get a sense of what's happening. As Seth's boss said, "Seth, you glide...running's beneath you." I also celebrated my first long trail run with my friend Colleen. 6 miles, beautiful trail, and I hope to keep doing longer trail runs with her on weekends to bump my mileage up to 15/week.

The best part of the week was this evening's dinner. The sun streams in during dinner time, and Seth started making shadow animals on the wall. Sammy the duck came for a visit. As far as we can tell, Myles totally didn't get that Seth's hands were making Sammy's shadow. Or maybe he just didn't care. He kept asking for Sammy again and again and again. Sammy started demanding things like that Myles eat his rice and beans and red peppers before Sammy would return, and Myles diligently complied in order to get "more Sammy." Finally Sammy had to go back to his family at Beaver Lake and have his supper, his bath time, and go to bed. Myles was sad, but we told him that Sammy might come for a visit tomorrow night.


Blogger Brenna and Brian said...

Wow! What a post! What a week! Filled with both grief and happy moments. The pure experience of being a human being in this world. I'm so saddened to hear the news of Karson. I was also tearful and sad on Mom and Dad's anniversary...but at the same time I will never forget the fabulous marriage they had. Something worth celebrating, huh? I love the Sammy story! Way to go on the racing Seth....and Mandy, fantastic mileage you're embarking on. Amazing family!

8:14 PM  

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