Sunday, March 23, 2008

Bringin' Uno Back

Myles and I had a boys weekend while Mandy visited her family in Knoxville. Her sister Brenna was visiting from Wyoming with her two kids. Myles was exposed to some chicken pox earlier in the week so we're keeping him away from other kids until we know for sure whether he contracted it. We're hoping no, but it can take up to 10 days for the symptoms show through (thank you Wikapedia).
I was looking forward to seeing my nephews and for everyone to see Myles walk. I was especially excited to see Bob who is still battling cancer. However, Myles and I had a good time shopping downtown, visiting the botanical gardens, visiting Michael's refurbished loft, playing , napping and playing some more. There were no major meltdowns and he was beaming when he saw mama pull into the driveway. I had the boys over for steaks, chocolate chip cookies, Uno and beer. We played a couple of games of marathon Uno and listened to Led Zeppelin tracks late into the night. Times are never dull during a mannniversary.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Holy Week

Today was Palm Sunday, and it was a beautiful service. The kids danced with palm branches, which got Myles' attention, since we sit in the front pew. It was a hard week at church. A beloved member of our congregation who possessed the secret of joy and lived a life advocating for justice and peace passed away on Thursday. He was 68. He went into the hospital 12 days earlier with pain in his leg and they found a blood clot. In preparing to surgically remove it, they discovered he had acute lukemia. Just like that. I went to visit him early on in his hospital stay, and as soon as I entered the room his face lit up and he said, "Amanda!" with a laugh and a twinkle in his eye, just the way he always said my name. I said, "Tough day Andy," and he said, "could be worse." On Thursday, I went to visit again, knowing that the doctors thought he had just days, and I arrived very shortly after he died. I have a lot to learn about offering pastoral care to families who find themselves struck with this kind of grief. But I did my best, giving hugs, offering words about Andy that were kind and true, offering to pray. Leaving them in the good and capable hands of the hospital chaplain, who also attends our church. I was glad that I got to see Andy this one last time. His son said that his death was easy and peaceful, that he was glad to have been with his dad when it happened. I'm learning from my community of faith that a death like this re-opens old wounds, and we relive our grief at losing close family and friends. It stirs up fear in us, as we look at Andy and see what might happen to our husbands, our brothers, our we look at his wife Trina and see our mothers, our grandmothers, ourselves. It's a lesson about the exquisiteness of the human spirit and the frailty of human life, the latter being what the season of Lent is all about, in my mind. This week of Holy week, when those of us who are Christian remember Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a humble donkey, his last supper, his betrayal and trial, his death at the hands of the Roman empire, and finally, his resurrection, is a journey through the valley of the shadow of death. We often say in our church that you can't get to Easter joy without wading through suffering. On a week like last week, I know that I am grateful for this Lenten journey which speaks to the realities of life.
I am trying to learn more and more how to be present in the moment and stay close to the ones I love, remembering life is such a gift. Myles has been incredibly sweet this week, Seth calls him the "3 second snuggler" because he will come over and lay his head on my shoulder, my lap, or my hand, and give me the sweetest hug. Often it lasts for 3 seconds, but sometimes it lasts for 3 minutes. One of these little snuggles and it's crystal clear that all those sleepless nights were nothing in exchange for this sweet love. Today he did the cutest thing. My shoes were in the middle of the living room floor, and he took one of them and crawled to the closet with it and put it away in the closet.
The weather was rainy yesterday and a bit cold today so we didn't get to work in the yard like we had planned. We did, however, get Myles his first scoop of ice cream (sugar free butter peacan). He was in heaven! Then we went to the play area in the ice cream shop and he discovered match box cars. Oh, life's little pleasures...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

DC Trek

There must be something in the water-- seth is writing an entry. We all went up to DC last weekend for Mandy's work. We stayed in Alexandria. I was brought along to babysit and
share in the luxury of the plush hotel room, e.g. king size bed, free bottled water and cable TV. I took Myles to the National Zoo on Friday. The first animal we saw on the way in was an ostrich, which Myles got excited about. Funny, he could care less about the elephants, gorillas and the cheetah. We went swimming in the hotel pool a couple of times. Myles is starting to really enjoy the water, trying to swim out of my arms at times. While up north we vistited with Liz and Adam- two dear friends from ASP. Now we're back and looking forward to some time off from traveling. If the weather is nice we may do some yard work this weekend. There's a winter seasons worth of Juniper poop out back that needs bagging. Cheers!
Oh, Myles started walking last week.

Monday, March 03, 2008


This weekend marked the first time in a month that all three members of our household have been feeling completely well stimultaneously. So far, our health is holding! And the weather couldn't have timed it better. High 60s and sunny today, so Myles and I took a trip to the Children's Trading Post for some new-used clothes, then stopped off at the botanical gardens on our way home. For the first time, Myles noticed the ground was not like the floor at home. It had blowing leaves, soft grass, cold rock, and left his hands dirty (which he kept holding up for me to brush off). We even got to get down to the stream and dunk hands in the cold, cold water. I can hardly wait for flowers and blossiming trees! Color...
Our friends Brian and Paige came for a visit on Friday night with their daughter Lea, who's a few months older than Myles (and runs circles around him). Brian was on ASP staff with me back in good ole '99, when kitchens exploded into fire, meat burst into a blood bath in the refridgerator, and mice swam in the toilets. Ah, the good ole days. We reminisced, but also talked about Brian's exciting work as a community organizer in southern Virginia, and the shift in thinking, living, and loving that comes with being new parents. Lea and Myles had fun together, though it might be that Lea had more fun with Juniper (she would hold out her hands to Juniper and then when the dog licked them she'd scream and run away...and look back to make sure she was being chased). Very adorable. Both have such sweet spirits.
This Thursday we head on up to DC for my WAND work. I will lead a training on Friday and then attend Ecumenical Advocacy Days the rest of the weekend, we'll get back on Sunday. Seth and Myles are planning to come along if our health holds.
Last week was rough. Myles had a 3 day fever followed by two "snow days" which meant his morning out program was cancelled. We did a lot of tag-teaming to find ways for both of us to get into the office. We are glad it's this week now and all that is behind us (hopefully).
Myles is also popping his two top teeth, which made for fussy times. One is through the gums and it is huge!! Perhaps he will be a big toothed kid? He has enjoyed walking behind his wagon and walker all week, and we are thinking he will walk on his own in the next few weeks.
Well, I gotta go get some dinner on (and listen to Speaking of Faith, one of my favorite NPR programs). HOpe all is well with you, our friends and family!!