Come, She Will
We are awaiting spring here in the dreary days of February. I saw daffodils about to bloom on our blustery walk yesterday. Actually, it felt quite balmy after a whirlwind weekend in Michigan, where the snow was hip high. This bug that I thought I was over in the last posting has stuck with us and struck Seth...morphing from a fever throat thing into a stomach bug that had me up two nights in a row. Seth's has just been more of a rotton cold. So I didn't know how we would get up to Michigan for my friend Erin's wedding. When Seth came down with a fever, I changed plans to go up with my folks, but then I came down with another fever and couldn't make the drive over to their house with Myles. I finally decided that a day in bed was wise, and then on Thursday we felt well enough to get in the car and go. The wedding was on Friday, and it was beautiful!! Erin looked gorgeous, her husband Fiddle sported the most incredible orange tie I've ever laid eyes on, and the flowers were orange gerber daisies and red roses...did I mention I was in the wedding? It's nothing short of magical to see a friend you met in kindergarten get married. Blessings on your marriage, Erin and Fiddle!
We drove all the way home on Saturday so I could be at church on Sunday for Sunday school, worship, annual meeting, and another planning meeting. I do love my job. And while my voice is still a little hoarse, and I'm still coughing up and blowing out all kinds of things, I do think this virus is on its way out. Please?
The above photos are of Myles one day when he had some fantastic bed head, and another day when he actually put a fork with banana into his mouth (he is still working on the stabbing the food part). His upper two teeth we can now see through the gums, so we are thinking that in the next week or so they'll pop through.
Oh, and Seth predicts a landslide for Obama tonight.