The News

The News: Today I am 12 weeks pregnant! I am so full of gratitude, and we are all excited about our family growing and changing. Due date: October 15. First trimester has not been as extreme as it was with Myles. I've been able to eat, and have a belly to show for it (amazing how much faster you pop out the second time around). I've been tired, naps are good, but I am feeling more energetic as I move into the second trimester. I'm going with New Dawn Midwifery again, hospital birth, going for a VBAC, and we will find out whether the baby is a boy or a girl, and I will share that info just as soon as I have it (approximately 2 more months). Myles has been kissing my belly, and his wheels are turning about what we will need for the baby (toys! the stroller!). He says, "If it's a boy, I hope it's a boy and if it's a girl, I hope it's a girl" and I can't think of a better way to say it than that. Of course I do hope it's a girl, but Myles has taught me that our kids are who they are and we really don't have control over who they are created to be. A good thing. Sweetest husband in the world story of the week is that I woke up in the middle of the night the other night fantasizing about golden grahams. You know, the cereal I haven't eaten in like a decade that I nearly forgot even exists. I told Seth and the other night he led me into the kitchen and told me to close my eyes. He sat me down at the counter, and I heard the fridge open. I figured he was getting Dairy Queen out or something, since he had mentioned wanting to go there earlier that day. But when he said, "Okay, open them," he was pouring milk into a big bowl of golden grahams, and it tasted so good.
These photos are from a play date (that term used to drive me nuts, and now I use it) that Myles had with his friend Joey from preschool. Joey's mom took them, and these boys are so beautiful. What sweet friends.