In like a Lion, out like a Lamb...

It's been way too long since I've updated this blog. Just busy, I guess. March roared in like a lion, with a snow storm that left enough on the ground to make a big fat snowman in our front yard. Though I've been told the Farmer's Almanac calls for more snow this month, I'm hopeful we've seen the end of it. I saw spring's first daffodils yesterday, the green fingers of our day lilies are popping out of the ground, and we've got some seedlings started (sugar snap peas) that we plan to plant by the week's end. The sun is out, the days are getting longer, and life is good. I'm thankful.
Last weekend we enjoyed Kaleb's 5th birthday party at my sister's house. Myles had a blast! We were in a car accident a few weeks ago...a full size Chevy van that felt like it was made of lead rear-ended us for no apparent reason. We've been told our car is not totaled and we're hoping that's the case. It's due to go into the repair shop next week. We all had a little whip-lash but everyone is fine.
Mylestones: Well, I've got a lot to report in this arena. Myles has been in big boy underpants for nearly two weeks. He does have accidents, but with each passing day he's going more and more on the potty and it's a huge relief to not be buying those stupid pull-ups any more. Thanks to Mama Cindy for lending us the potty was just what we needed! Speaking of Mama C, the above photo documents Myles' first candle-lit dinner, with the lovely Hattie Mae. Cindy and Blake were very generous to watch Myles so Seth and I could get out for a real date, which we did and it was fabulous! Myles has also been giving up his pacifier. There's a broken one lying around the house that he will still suck on from time to time, but he's going to bed and sleeping through the night without it. A day we thought would never come. He's all grown up!!
Myles Says: A few weeks ago he said to me on Sunday morning, "Mama, you can't wear that skirt. You're too big for it." I thought maybe he was saying I'm too old for it (really, I'm not too big for the skirt!), so I asked if that's what he meant. He said, "No, you're too big for it. I don't like it. Take it off." And I said, "Honey, I appreciate your opinion, but I've decided that I'm going to wear this skirt to church today." Seth said, "Don't you think it's pretty?" Myles said, "No, it's not pretty." Nothing like the brutal honesty of a three year old! On the other hand, he came in the other day when I had a cuddle-dud undershirt on and said, "Oooh Mama, you look beautiful in that shirt!" Seth shaved his head and all day Myles said, "You look like Uncle Brian!" About his pacifier (copying me), Myles said, "It's damaged." He has also taken on a vivid story-telling style in which he combines books, songs, dvd story-lines and Bible stories. They sometimes rhyme and sound something like this: "Then the driver coupled his car to the other car. He went out one day, over the hills and far away. But that car said, 'Oh no! I'm out of control! I can't stop!' and then he crashed! Then all the people were watching, and the kids were trying to see but they couldn't see..." And finally, our favorite: "I want a brov-ver."