Sweet October

Ah, the month of all things pumpkin. The leaves are at peak, and it's a beautiful time to live in the mountains of western NC. Our lives are full and abundant--in the past month we've made a visit to Hickory Nut Gap farm for our pumpkins and apples, we've spent time with my family and marked the first anniversary of my dad's death, we've enjoyed just about every second of building this new church community, and we've enjoyed the company of friends, especially those new little ones recently born into the world.
I think I was a little hesitant to write on the anniversary of my dad's death...feeling this need to honor him and write something profound, but living in the reality of being a mom to a toddler who is ever-busy. Suffice it to say I just miss him, plain and simple. This Sunday is All Saints Day and we have invited folks to bring in photographs of loved ones and light a candle in memory of them. My dad's picture will be on the altar. I remember last year at this time going to church and not even being able to speak his name during this ritual. This year will be different. The grief shifts, and there's a little more breathing room. The good memories flood in more quickly sometimes than the ache.
Mylestones: Myles was well on his way to potty-time last week, going to his morning out program in "biggie boy" underwear (with Thomas the train on them, of course) and staying dry. This week he decided he's not interested any more. So it's back to diapers. We do have very creative bath times, in which a drama with 2-3 dinosaurs always ensues, with dialogue and at least one rescue scene. Myles also enjoys playing doctor with his "sick" stuffed animals...one of them is always wanting a pacifier and Myles has to remind them that in our house, the pacifier is just for sleeping. He's quite the authority on that one. Tonight we were able to get him to wear his Halloween costume for the night with friends, and that was huge! Several weeks ago we checked out a Halloween book at the library and in it there was a purple monster costume. Myles pointed at it and said, "I want THAT. THAT, mama." So we looked all over for a purple monster costume, but the best we could find is a second-hand pull over blue monster costume. However, it has purple dots and purple horns on the hood, so that seemed to be good enough for Myles. I'll be honest and say that the last month has been really really hard with Myles. Lots of tantrums. Tough times. We are trying to bolster our parenting techniques and switch things up when necessary. We changed our whole morning routine last week and so far it seems to be working.
Seth's enjoying his class and just turned in his midterm. He's running a lot and took 3rd place in a half marathon a few weeks ago (perhaps first in his age group, but we didn't stay for the awards). He's in great shape! I'm running too and it feels really good to be in shape. I'm not close to the shape I used to be in in high school, but who is? All I know is that I'm in the best shape I've been in for a decade, and that's pretty good.
We love having my sister's family so close by. We see them about once a month and Myles absolutely loves going to cousin Kaleb's house.
Well, must sign off for now. Enjoy all things pumpkin this month...pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin beer, pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin chili, even enjoyed some pumpkin pizza with my beloved friend Karson a few weeks ago. I love October!