Thursday, August 20, 2009

Oh August...

I have no idea what's going on in this photo, but Seth's commentary is "in China, Myles can make a dollar go a long way." Enjoy the hair, we shaved it off last week (pictures coming). Myles absolutely hated the hair cut, but afterward was kind of fascinated by the whole thing. We've been giving lots of praise for the hair cut (which will hopefully save us from having to go through this for months), telling him how handsome he looks. And he does. What a beautiful kid.
Mylestones: This week, Myles has been asking me to hold his hand walking up and down the steps (although he's been able to do this by himself for a long time). I can only conclude that he just wants to hold my hand for the pure pleasure of it, which pleases me to no end. He has also been doing a great job "reading." When I pause in a sentence he can fill in the word from memory, or (even more impressive) based on context or the picture. I can tell he really gets what's going on in the stories. He's really into Mother Goose lately, which Seth bought for him when I was away. Unfortunately, some of the rhymes include whipping children and men putting their wives in pumpkins in order to "keep them." Ugg. And of course he adores it, though we skip over some of the above mentioned lines. Myles insists on having coffee or hot tea each morning, and he gets a little packet of kids tea from the cupboard. I wind up making him hot tea and he has about two's the novelty of pretending he's drinking "hot coffee" which he also makes for me (pretend) and offers to me to sip on. It's so delicious! Today he was a big helper with the vacuum...getting it out of the closet when I asked for it, unwinding the cord, then helping to wind it back up and putting the vacuum back.
I'm a little too exhausted to give much more of an update. Suffice it to say we've been busy! We had a veterans service event for church, went to Abingdon to see my sister's family, and Seth begins his new class next week. I'm starting to long for fall...a few cool, crisp days (though I admit, we've had a cushy, mild summer). More soon!