Today I had an appointment at New Dawn Midwifery (www.newdawnmidwifery.com). We heard the heartbeat with the doppler, and talked about the fact that New Dawn is no longer delivering babies at Park Ridge (where we had originally intended to have the baby). Now they are partnering with Mission St. Joseph, a mile down the road from us. Seth and I have mixed feelings about this change...we had heard so many wonderful things about Park Ridge and have so many friends who have had unmedicated births there. We plan to take a tour of Mission in the next month to see what the facilities are like. It looks like, due to my travel schedule, we will probably not begin childbirth classes until December when I'll be far along in my pregnancy and not traveling anymore. Aside from a little heartburn and some occasional clumsiness, I'm feeling well bodily. I think we have some more preparation to do mentally and emotionally, it's a big change! One decision we have made is to have lots of quiet and calm for the first 6 weeks after the baby's born...so we won't be hosting any family or friends overnight (aside from my mom), even if we're in the new house (though we will welcome visits). After 6 weeks, we'll start making the transition back into the world. One of the women at New Dawn brings her baby to work, and I was asking some about that. It would be a great family benefit if my employer allowed me to bring the baby to work once a week, depending on the personality of the baby. Seth may also request to work from home once a week. Bean's kicking and rolling multiple times every day. She/he especially likes pose of a child in my yoga class, that always gets plenty of kicks and rolls. We're getting excited to meet her/him!!