Week Before Christmas

I wanted to share with all of you the good news that my dad has an appointment to consult with MD Anderson on January 4th. We are very happy that he finally has a date! And now he and my mom can settle in for their visit in Wyoming, they are out there until the 1st. For those of you who want to keep up with my dad's caring bridge website, go to:
and click on "subscribe to journal update notification" under the "Journal" section. We appreciate all of your continued thoughts, words, and prayers...how do people do it without good friends?
We head to New Jersey on Sunday, then we will return to the mountains for a New Year's celebration with our ASP friends. One little glitch is that the Sunday closest to New Year's is one that my colleague Joe always takes off. So I am usually "on." This year I am not preaching, which I am grateful for (don't get me wrong, I love to preach, but it's a bit much coming out of the holidays), but I will be leading service. So that means I can't get to the cabin on Saturday as Seth would like. But two days is better than one, the glass is half full...anyhow we are looking forward to seeing longtime friends, new babies, and Seth's incredible moves on the dance floor.
Can't wait to see you guys and Seth's new dance moves! :) Travel safely!
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