He popped two teeth in the last week on the bottom.
He pulls himself up to standing on just about anything.
He can eat more food in a sitting than can possibly fit in that little belly of his, we're not sure where he hides it!
We think that he said "doggie" as his first word at GG's house (Great Grandma Voss) when staring at her ceramic statue of a boxer. We also think he's said "book." To the amatuer, however, it may simply sound like babble.
He loves to drink water out of a cup like a "biggie boy." (An expression I never imagined myself using so readily in my pre-baby days). He's a food grabber, so watch your plate at all times! Bath time is an endless crawling parade back and forth in the long tub with duckie in hand or mouth. He loves the Advent calendar, with each day producing a new "ornament" for the Advent evergreen tree. When sleepy, he will occasionally snuggle into my neck and lay his head on my shoulder. Full of sweetness, this one.
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