Christmas at the Voss Home

On Friday, we headed over to my folks' house so we could celebrate Christmas early with my brother's family and my parents. Myles was a little bewildered by all the activity around him, but very interested in several of his new toys. He got some great stuff!! We put together his new wooden trike that sits very low to the ground when we got home, and he has been enjoying occasional laps around the house with one of us pushing. Maybe soon he'll get the idea of using his legs to make it go...
The new games were a hit with Seth, and we played bananagrams after all was cleaned up on Saturday night. I must say, I schooled the competition with my swift wit and clever cunning.
Sawyer, the youngest one present, was quiet as a little lamb and peacefully sweet. I got to hold him and recall what it was like when Myles was so small and immobile.
Of course, it was great to see my dad, who looked great and seemed to be feeling well. He got a stylin new hat for his bald head from Irene and Corey. With my dad being sick this year, it's an opportunity for all of us to remember what's important in life, and what's not. A refreshing reminder, this time of year. My mom cooked us a great meal, and we all heaved a sigh of contentment when it was over. Seth ate two of the Omaha steaks sent by my Grandma Voss in Michigan. I feasted on salad, cranberries, mashed potatoes, asparagus, and bread. We hit the road very early on Sunday in order to make it back to Asheville in time for me to get to Sunday school. I'm coteaching the confirmation class for middle schoolers this year.
We are looking forward to our trip to New Jersey on Sunday...
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