Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas with the Hendlers

Well, we have just returend from Christmas at the Hendler house on Henry St. in East Brunswick, New Jersey. We don't have time to say too much right now (I am off to yoga in about 3 minutes), but we had a great time. We got to see Susan and David, Seth's brother Greg and his fiancee Megan, Seth's other brother Jon and his partner Brian, Brian's mother Bernice, Aunt Audrey, Seth's Aunt Marcia and Uncle Robert, family friends Rich and Marlene Leitman, and Seth's high school friends Russell and Jodi. Whew! We also had three sweet dogs among us, Della and Pip belong to Jon and Brian, and David's present this year was a new puppy, who we think will be named Zoe. David does take his time in decision making, so promised to render this decision after having several days to mull it over. So far, Zoe is the favored name. She is just 12 weeks old and absolutely sweet. Myles, as you can see, had a great time with family and gifts and doggies! More on our trip later...


Blogger KRH said...

Your blog keeps popping up on my Google alerts. My maiden name is Hendler. My mom and dad are in Dallas (Albert F. Hendler MD and Pauline Merna Hendler). I am writing you from Aspen Colorado. I have 7 brothers and sisters and 19 neices and nephews, mostly all in Dallas.

Who is the Hendler? Your maiden name?

5:22 PM  

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