Good News About My Dad

My folks flew back to Houston on Monday, and my dad underwent a series of tests (heart, lungs, CAT, etc.) on Tuesday. Today, they met with the doctor, who treats about 500 sarcoma patients, and the news was looking up. The cancer has grown a bit, but the doctor recommends a chemo that my dad can take in Tennessee. He will have to get a port, and the chemo will affect him about the same as the last stuff he was other words he will feel pretty sick for a few days in the cycle, but will still be able to work, exercise, and maintain his life for the most part. My folks were about to call their doc in TN when I got off the phone with them, to schedule an appointment asap so my dad can get back on treatment. He will lose his hair, and the beautiful silvery goatee he has sported recently. The doctor seemed to think that this is not the only treatment option for him, although this chemo has had a good deal of success with her other patients (success meaning the cancer will shrink, not be eradicated completely). The chemo will last 4 months, and after 2 rounds (I think) they will go back to Houston to consult with this doc again. We are very grateful that the cancer is still controllable, that my dad will be able to do chemo in TN, that he can maintain his lifestyle while he is in treatment, and that he has treatment options that seem to be successful with other sarcoma patients. I'm sure he will update his caring bridge site with more details, for those of you who know him and want to know more. I'm so thankful that he is facing cancer with such courage, support from my mom, and optimism...for those of you who know my dad, his spirit is the best thing about him!
I'm happy to read a positive update on your dad, he is in my thoughts and prayers. Adorable pictures of Myles. His eyes remind me of your eyes, smiling and happy. And your laughter too. It's been a long time since I've heard it.
Great news about your Dad! I got the caring bridge update too... he sounds good and I'm so glad you all feel positive about how things are going at MD Anderson. Happy Birthday tomorrow to Myles! I cannot belive he is getting so big. Yall have fun celebrating. XOXO
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