Myles learned to read this week...just kidding! He really is learning how to turn the pages though. His favorite book at the moment is "Opposites" which he got from Grandma Gail. A good friend gave Seth and I some wisdom while I was pregnant. She said "never say never." Well, this week we bought Myles the most gaudy plastified thing I have ever seen in my life. They call it an exersaucer. And he digs it. We did buy it used, which made us feel a bit better about the purchase. Myles is trying out his legs in it with a few bounces here and there. He also has started playing some cute games, like looking at you, then looking away, then looking back and laughing. He is still insisting on getting a good cry in every night before bedtime. We're not sure exactly what it's about but just try to be there to cuddle him and let him know we're there while he cries. He's also giggling at Juniper a lot more. I'm wondering whether his first word will be "Jun-ie." Seth goes to Raleigh on Monday to take the final section of his Landscape Architecture exam. Please keep him in your thoughts! We're gearing up for father's day next Sunday....also, my folks celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary on Friday. Good stuff. 

Hello Hendler-Voss family! We've been following your blog and just had to chime in to share the begrudging use of the exersaucer. It feels so shameful, but the baby really digs it. We've been meaning to get in touch about a potential trip to Asheville... we can even plan an exersaucer face-off, right?
Brian, Paige, and Lea Campbell Johns
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