Dedication Sunday
On Sunday, Myles was dedicated at church. (Translation: we did not do infant baptism, he can choose to be baptized when he's old enough to make that decision for himself. Dedication is a cross between a naming ceremony and a welcoming into the community of faith)

Seth's folks came for the weekend and stayed with us. My folks came on Sunday for the service. Our good friends Colleen and Tom became godparents. We asked their daughters, Claire and Lydia, to be Myles' godsisters, and even though Lydia said "no!" we think she will eventually agree to it. They definitely can't get enough of Myles and are looking forward to Thursday, when we come to babysit.
We took Myles in for his 4 month wellness check up today. He weighed 16 lbs (90%) and was 26 and 1/4 inches long (96%). He's still breastfed only and seems to be getting what he needs!
On Sunday night Myles and I were scheduled to go to Boston for a WAND staff retreat, returning Monday night. We got all packed up, went to the airport, and discovered that the flight was cancelled. There was no other flight that would put me into Charlotte in time to catch my connecting flight, and the morning flights didn't put us there until noon, so we cancelled the trip. Myles will have to wait on his first airplane trip! It was an exhausting week last week with Myles being sick, fussy, and needing care around the clock, planning for his dedication, having family in town, and preparing for the Boston trip. We are looking forward to some down time this weekend. But we loved seeing the Hendler and Voss grandparents! Here's a photo of Susan reading to Myles.

Seth's folks came for the weekend and stayed with us. My folks came on Sunday for the service. Our good friends Colleen and Tom became godparents. We asked their daughters, Claire and Lydia, to be Myles' godsisters, and even though Lydia said "no!" we think she will eventually agree to it. They definitely can't get enough of Myles and are looking forward to Thursday, when we come to babysit.
We took Myles in for his 4 month wellness check up today. He weighed 16 lbs (90%) and was 26 and 1/4 inches long (96%). He's still breastfed only and seems to be getting what he needs!
On Sunday night Myles and I were scheduled to go to Boston for a WAND staff retreat, returning Monday night. We got all packed up, went to the airport, and discovered that the flight was cancelled. There was no other flight that would put me into Charlotte in time to catch my connecting flight, and the morning flights didn't put us there until noon, so we cancelled the trip. Myles will have to wait on his first airplane trip! It was an exhausting week last week with Myles being sick, fussy, and needing care around the clock, planning for his dedication, having family in town, and preparing for the Boston trip. We are looking forward to some down time this weekend. But we loved seeing the Hendler and Voss grandparents! Here's a photo of Susan reading to Myles.
Adorable pic! I'm glad it went well.. sorry Myles had a bad airport experience. I guess it is good for him to know the pitfalls of travels sooner than later. :)
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