Well, he just keeps getting cuter. Just when we think it's not possible, he wakes up sweeter and fatter and more beautiful than the day before. He's in a very fun stage...on Saturday he will be 7 months old, I can't believe how the weeks and months have flown by, and it's a little startling to realize we can never re-live them. Foods: he tried yogurt today, and gulped it right down. Bananas are still a favorite. If he gets full, he gets a sly look on his face and begins to blow bubbles and spit his food into the air. He is also scooting with abandon. It's like a full yoga workout each night before bed with him rolling from one side to the other, upward facing dog, arms stretched to the side, and his own little version of down dog, where he gets his butt up in the air and then scoots forward until he's smushed up against a pillow, person, or wall. Seth is training for a crazy race in which he'll be on a team of 12, running along the Blue Ridge parkway. Each team member runs 3 legs, with a few hours rest in between. Seth will run a 9 mile leg, a 7 mile leg, and a 5 mile leg, if I remember correctly. He's out in the heat every day training. I'm ready for fall to blow in some cooler weather. The kids are all back to school down here. Oh, and this photo is Colleen and Tom, Myles' godparents. Colleen was holding Myles the other day while drinking some water and he was grabbing for her cup so she asked if she could give him a sip and I said sure. So he has started drinking water out of cups a little bit and seems to enjoy it.
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