Myles Digs Current Events

Here's Myles digging into the New York times on a weekday morning. What can we say? He's advanced. Today I took the morning off work and went to Shoji spa for the soak and massage that Seth gave me for my birthday. was a long overdue opportunity to thank my body for all it did in labor and delivery, not to mention the daily tasks of holding, carrying, and nursing Myles. Myles has been doing this really sweet thing for the last two days...communicating with Juniper. He looks in her directions, gets this big grin on his face, then starts shrieking and babbling to get her attention. We love it! We tried to get it on video, but the minute we brought out the camera he was mesmerized by it and maybe had some performance anxiety. Juniper is getting some mixed messages, because we want her to respond to Myles when he "talks" to her, but we don't welcome more than one or two licks before we say "that's enough Juniper." Poor thing. I think Myles is definitely beginning to teeth...I have no idea when the little things will pop up through his gums but he's wanting to chew chew chew on things. We are looking forward to July 14-21 when we hit the SC beach with family. I can't wait to introduce Myles to the ocean!
This is such a great blog. Da baby is going to really appreciate it when him gets grown. Myles for President! Go, cat, go!
Tia Heather y Rocket
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