I Got a New Attitude!

We are recently back from a trip to Michigan, and I'll include more photos from that trip later. But I couldn't resist posting this one (now!) because it so perfectly captures the Myles 'tude. My parents used to call my move "the Mandy stomp" and so perhaps some of the attitude comes from me. But rest assured folks, when two Tauruses get together and have a child, the odds of said child having a spirited strong will are quite high! Or maybe it's just the 2's and 3's.
Mylestones: This week we created our much-talked about chart, in which Myles can see what's going to happen during the day, can mark off when he's accomplished things, and can even earn some stickers for doing some chores around the house (three year old chores include emptying silverware from dishwasher, clearing plate from the table, washing windows, and helping to feed Juniper). Myles also put on an amazing show for me on his bike today...I highly recommend the balance bikes, I can see how next summer he might be riding a big boy bike with pedals (and no training wheels) since he's got the balance part down. Myles can also now "read" 5 Little Monkeys by himself. Okay, so he can't really read, but he looks at the pictures and says the words that he's memorized. We are working on identifying the first letter of words and the sounds that go with each.
Myles Says: He keeps us cracking up. The other day we were watching Planet Earth and came to the part where a wolf chases, catches and eats a deer (which I usually fast forward through) and I said, "This looks like a scary part, let's fast forward." Myles replied, "Don't be scared mama, I'll protect you." What?? Also, the other day I received something in the mail related to my dad that made me cry. Myles quickly asked what was wrong, and I told him that I still miss my dad (Grandpa Voss) since he went to heaven to live with God. Myles said, "It's okay, Mama. When Grandpa gets back from heaven he can help you." After that he ran to the fridge and got out an ice pack and brought it to me saying, "Here mama, I got you some ice, this will make it better." He's recently stumbled on the fact that saying "You don't love me!" (with a big smile on his face) will illicit an amplified "YES I DO!" from his mama, so we've been playing around with that. I love to tell him, like my mom told me, that he'll never really understand how much I love him until he has kids of his own one day (if he does).
Our trip to Michigan was so wonderful, and I need to make time to blog about it. Stay tuned...
It was so wonderful to see you and meet Myles. Thanks so much for making it possible. I hope we can see you again soon!
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