Birthday Boy and Blizzards

We had a prolonged birthday celebration for Myles this year, as my sister's family came to stay with us for his actual birthday party the Saturday before his birthday. The party was at the Health Adventure, the coolest kids museum we have in the's full of play rooms, a grocery store with plastic produce and carts, a crank with balls, spinning chairs, a rice table, and usually a traveling exhibit on the second floor. We had cupcakes and ice cream, and a whole slew of Myles' friends came. Then Brenna, Brian, and cousins Kaleb and Finn spent the night and Myles had a ball. We got him a bigger guitar and he plays it every day. On Sunday night, Seth left for a work training in Greensboro, and on Monday (Myles' actual birthday) we were invited over to his god-parents' for dinner and fun. Colleen and Tom and the girls had a house full of gifts for Myles--a caboose for his train table, a train whistle, a banner that said "Happy Birthday Myles" and a new pillowcase with his name sewn onto it. ("M-Y-L-E-S and Myles was his name-o")
The following weekend, Seth's folks came to be with us in the midst of a snowstorm that resulted in us canceling worship on Sunday. They made a clown cake for Myles that we later enjoyed over at Cindy and Blake's house after two mornings of sledding. Seth's folks gave Myles some new gates for his train table, and some cars he's been wanting. He got so many wonderful presents, but the best gift was the presence of family and friends. Being snowed/iced in meant that we traveled over to Cindy and Blake's by way of foot and jog stroller (deflated wheel and all) to sled and play and visit with some of the friends from our babysitting coop. Cindy always provides good food and warm drinks and it's always such a relief to be with other mamas who have kids Myles' age.
Myles absolutely loved his time with Grandpa and Nana. He always hits it off with Grandpa and insisted on playing "the hat trick" over and over, until he eventually poked poor Grandpa in the eye on accident. Despite the mishap, I think they enjoyed having so much one-on-one time with their grandchild.
My mom was disappointed to miss Myles' birthday this year, but made the wise decision to go up to Michigan with my Aunt Donna and Uncle Bob (as they drove up from Florida and picked my mom up along the way) to see my Grandma in the hospital. While they were there for a week, my Grandma seemed to have one day of shut-eye followed by a day when she would open her eyes, say a few words ("I want coffee" was a favorite), or move her right hand. Her speech is slurred so there's some frustration in communication, but my mom put the phone up to her ear and I was able to tell her Hello and remind her of how much she is loved, and she immediately responded with "Mmmm." My cousins have also been bringing their families to visit, which I am grateful for since we can't be there. My mom noted that my cousin Paula's youngest, Cameron, was especially sweet with my Grandmother, running his fingers through her hair and telling her how much he loved her. I'm glad she's receiving so much TLC. Yesterday she was moved from the hospital in Grand Rapids to a nursing home in Newaygo. It's a temporary situation, as the nursing home they'd like her to be in does not yet have a bed for her. Hopefully she will be transferred there in a few days and they will begin rehabilitation with her. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers, as well as my Aunt Barb who lives close by and will be doing much of the visiting.
Mylestones: It seems like this kid is growing like a weed these days. Putting together puzzles is a lot of fun for him and he has a couple that he works on over and over and over. He also is digging his train table more, and Seth and I certainly enjoy those times when he's able to play independently up there without the need for constant monitoring. He loves his preschool program and any time he gets with friends. And he still enjoys a good evening wrestle with his dad before bed.
Myles Says: Yesterday morning, I was holding Myles on my lap in a sweet snuggle. I said to him, "Your legs are getting so long! But you'll always be my boy no matter how big you get." He replied, "No I'm not your boy. I'm growing up. I'm going to be a man. I'll drive a car and a motorcycle." Wow. In relaying this conversation to Seth it turns out Seth had told him just the day before (grrr) that he would grow up to be a man and drive cars and motorcycles. He's also started to identify the parent animal as a "daddy" instead of a mama in some of the books and dvds he watches. If I tell him, no--that's the mama, he'll immediately say, "where's the daddy?" It's clear his alliance with his papi is of growing importance. Sometimes I feel a little like chopped liver, but that's okay.
Well, there's a ruckus going on upstairs, so I guess that's my cue...
Such cute photos! Hey, it's time to get the kid some real snow boots and snow pants! Love the updates...
Just make sure he wears a helmet on his motorcycle :)
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