The house construction continues to go well. The HVAC work is nearly complete as is the rough plumbing. Electrical should wrap up this week. I took the day off last Friday to run the computer/phone/tv cable to various rooms. It's a good feeling to be able to work at the house for a day and leave it without worrying about how the rest of the work is going to get done. We're happy with our general contractor. The only unpleasing issue is the size of our cabinet allowance. We could probably use it to take 2-week caribbean cruise yet it won't afford enough bottom-of-the-line press board cabinets to fill our kitchen. We're entertaining the idea of installing them ourselves so we can stay within budget. We'll let you know how that goes. On another completely different note, Neil Diamond's new album is rockin'. His sweet sound is playing in our kitchen now while our sun dried tomatoes and leek risotto dinner is baking in the oven. We went to Ryan and Debra Fedak's wedding in Roanoke VA this weekend. Man, the leaves we're beautiful. The wedding ceremony was outdoors on top of a small mountain overlooked the appalachians and the reception was in a barn. It was great to see old friends and to dance. Some say I danced a bit to hard, but that's just my style. Enjoy the week blogger junkies...
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